Monday, October 31, 2011

Blogging on the Run!

Welcome to Eielson Elementary School's BLOG!  In an effort to reach as many parents as possible in the most convenient way possible, I have created this blog to keep parents updated with the happenings at Eielson as well as to share current news in the world of education and children.  As a parent of 3 young children myself, I find that so many things we need to know and want to know come at the busiest times of the day. For example, the 'rush through the door' timeframe:  trying to check on everyone's day, check homework, make supper, and so forth.  Then there is the "mayhem before bedtime" when everyone is ready to head upstairs for pajamas, brushing teeth, and bedtime stories, only to hear "Oh, no!  I forgot to have you read..." from child #1 or "did you sign my planner?" from child #2...and I question myself, is the Show and Tell for letter of the week ready for our preschooler?  Even with all the routines we try to establish, it seems inevitable that the home hours are rushed, which leads to stressed parents and eventually stressed children.
   Here's to decreasing that stress for you!  Once your children are tucked in, check on the happenings at Eielson when the house is quiet and you can relax! My goal is my post items that will keep you informed and a part of our school community that you can check at your leisure.  Be sure to "subscribe" (located on the right sidebar) to get emails informing you of new blog postings.  Thank you for being a part of your child's education...Happy Reading! :)